With young children and limited finances their early years they would wear home sewn and hand knitted clothes as much of my spare time was spent making. As they grew older and I worked I reduced the sewing and knitting until I did no more :(
Many years later with 3 grown up sons is it any wonder that I was seeking a fulfilling past time and hobby to fulfill my buried but not forgotten creativity? So what did I do but purchase a Brother sewing machine and start to sew all over again.
There is nothing quite as addicitive as turning an idea and a picture in your head into a real product and the thrill of giving as a gift or selling for real money is fabulous!
I have scanned some old pictures - my mum sat at her industrial empire in the lean to type building and 2 of my sons proudly showing off their home made boxer shorts with santa's on and their handknitted and designed sweaters!
Do leave me comments about how fantastic they look - they will be thrilled!